Winter Swimming Pool Covers For Inground Pools

Rugged polyethylene scrim and coating means that this cover can withstand winters worst.
Arctic Armor covers are U.V. protected so they will last for years in direct sunlight. The cover's black underside retards algae growth and heat sealed seams means a crystal clear pool next spring. Our covers come with loops every four feet to secure water bags and corner grommets allow for extra tie down in windy areas.
The cover is 5 feet longer and wider than the pool size.
STRONG, LONG-LASTING WOVEN STRANDS Arctic Armor covers are woven strong/long-lasting polyethylene tapes to produce a cover that will hold up to winters worst.
NO MORE ALGAE GROWTH! Arctic Armor covers are constructed of an extremely tight weave fabric that does not allow light to pass through. Without sunlight, algae cannot grow!
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